Jesus in "The Last Temptation of Christ"
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Scorsese's take on Jesus
Film genius Martin Scorsese of course had to give his take on Jesus. One of the most controversial films about Jesus, this film brought on bombings at theaters and hoardes of Christian protestors during its release. This film shows an extremely, and I mean extremely, human Jesus. The main problem people have is not accepting that Jesus was human in this film, but Scorsese made Jesus seem, well...bad. He seems morally weak, he is the only carpenter in Judea willing to build crosses for the Romans, he watches Mary Magdalen at her "work", and this Jesus does not seem very wise. One of the better scenes, I think, is during Jesus execution, he has a vision of what his life would be like with Mary Magdalen, in a temptation to forgo his sacrifice.

The Matrix

Jesus in Montreal

Jesus Christ, Superstar

The Passion of the Christ

The Last Temptation of Christ

Jesus of Nazareth