Jesus in "The Matrix"
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Neo and Jesus
The movie "The Matrix" is filled with religious symbolism, not only from Christianity, but also from Buddhism. Though maybe not its ultimate purpose, the film does have some pretty obvious references to Jesus. The main character, Neo, is suddenly "awakened" and "enlightened" that the world he was living in is not real. He realizes that he has amazing powers and everyone believes he is "The One." Now if you missed the Jesus reference there then maybe you shouldn't be watching the movie...Anyway, throught the film Neo is helping in the fight against the oppressive machines to help save mankind. In the end, Neo realizes that he must sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world. From rising from the dead, to being able to stop bullets, Neo is definitely the ultimate "Savior."

The Matrix

Jesus in Montreal

Jesus Christ, Superstar

The Passion of the Christ

The Last Temptation of Christ

Jesus of Nazareth